SMTD On-Campus Tour

    Thank you for your interest in the School of Music, Theatre & Dance! Use this calendar to view available dates and schedule your on-campus visit.

    We now offer two separate tour types to increase the accessibility of our facilities to prospective students! Prospective students will only be given the specific tour they have registered for upon arrival or offered a self-guided tour upon request. Please ensure that you select the tour that aligns with your area(s) of interest.

    SMTD On-Campus Tours will include:
    A 75-minute walking tour, led by a current student, of SMTD’s main facilities on North Campus: the E.V. Moore Building, Walgreen Drama Center, and Dance Building.

    Performing Arts Technology Tours will include:
    A 45-minute walking tour, led by a current student, of SMTD’s E.V. Moore Building, including the Brehm Technology Suite

    If an SMTD On-Campus tour date is grey on the calendar, the session is currently full, but a waitlist is available. Select the date in question and enter your information to be added to the waitlist. SMTD Admissions cannot guarantee a space will open and cannot honor walk-up tour requests, but we can provide you with a self-guided tour packet.

    If you do not see an available tour date on the calendar, we are in the process of finalizing our upcoming tour dates and will update our calendar as soon as we are able to. We thank you for your patience. 
    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled